Pozdravljeni / Hi!
Pri CRATF-alnici (Maj mesec ljubezni) lovim še zadnje ure...;) Za ta izziv sem izbrala nekoliko drugačen stil voščilnice ;)
Ker pa na vsaki poroki je nevesta najlepša, neki posebnega... sem njeno obleko pobarvala še z dodatnimi bleščicami. Žal se tega na sliki ne vidi (nikakor niso slike uspele, zato sem razočarano obupala). Za nevestin sijaj sem uporabila kar lak za nohte. Rezultat je odličen!
I'm catching the last hours for the challenge May the month of love - CRAFTalnica...;) For this challenge, I chose a different style as usual. :)
Because in a every wedding the bride is the most beautiful, special... I put some shiny nail polish on her wedding dress. The result is excellent! You must try! Unfortunately, this is not seen in the image (I took some shots, but no successfully - sorry).
Have a nice day!
torek, 27. maj 2014
ponedeljek, 19. maj 2014
Owl card
Pozdravljeni / Hi!
Za današnjo objavo sem se odločila, da bom pokazala moško voščilnico.
JA, spet je enostavna...zato vam pokažem še eno različico take čestitke. :D
For today's post I decided to show you a male card. And YES, the card is again simple...;)
Also I want to show you another version of this card.
Katera vam je bolj všeč? Moji domači so se odločili za prvo. ;)
Želim vam lep dan še naprej.
Which version do you prefer? My friends decided first one. ;)
I wish you a nice day.
I'm entering this card to the challenge:
1. A creative romance - one for the boys
Za današnjo objavo sem se odločila, da bom pokazala moško voščilnico.
JA, spet je enostavna...zato vam pokažem še eno različico take čestitke. :D
For today's post I decided to show you a male card. And YES, the card is again simple...;)
Also I want to show you another version of this card.
Želim vam lep dan še naprej.
Which version do you prefer? My friends decided first one. ;)
I wish you a nice day.
I'm entering this card to the challenge:
1. A creative romance - one for the boys
torek, 6. maj 2014
Blog Candy - 1 Year
Pozdravljeni / Hello!
Danes je zame prav poseben dan. Končno lahko rečem, da praznujem eno leto bloganja. :D
Vesela sem, da lahko z mojimi izdelki privabljam številne poglede, predvsem pa se zahvaljujem za številne komentarje, ki mi jih dajate. Vsak komentar me zeloooo razveseli. :)
V enem letu sem si pridobila 17 sledilcev. - Vsakemu se iskreno zahvaljujem. Vesela sem, da me želite redno spremljati. ;) Hvala.
Največkrat ogledan izdelek je Card 5 - happy birthday (153 ogledov), z 124 ogledi ji sledi Valentine card in tretje mesto pa si je prislužila objava box (123).
V enem letu sem si pridobila 3486 ogledov. ;)
Today is a special day. Finally, I can say that I celebrate one year of my blogging. :D
I'm glad that you enjoy reading, watching,...my posts. Thank you for your lovely comments. Every comment makes me happy.
In one year I have got 17 followers - I sencerely thank each of them.
The most viewed post is Card 5 - happy birthday (153 views). In the second place is Valentine card (124 views) and the third place earned the box (123 views).
In one year I've gained 3486 views. ;)
Da se tudi vi (dragi moji bralci) poveselite z mano, vam podarjam ta prečudovit bombonček.
In še nekaj pravil:
1. Postani moj nov spremljevalec samo, če ti je moj blog res všeč (drugače to ni pogoj).
2. Napiši komentar na to objavo.
3. Zgornjo sliko prilepi na tvoj blog tako, da bo imela povezavo na to objavo.
Bombonček bo potekal do 1. 6. 2014. Izžrebanega zmagovalca bom objavila 2. 6. 2014.
Želim vam vso srečo!
Because I want that you also enjoy this moment with me, I wil give this wonderful candy one lucky winner.
To get a chance at this candy you must:
1. Be a follower of my blog, but only if you really like it (otherwise this is not condition to enter).
2. Leave me a comment under this post.
3. Grab the image and display it on your blog side with conection to this post.
The 1 year candy runs until on Sunday June 1, 2014. The winner will be announced the following day.
I will be shipping worldwide...
Good luck!
Danes je zame prav poseben dan. Končno lahko rečem, da praznujem eno leto bloganja. :D
Vesela sem, da lahko z mojimi izdelki privabljam številne poglede, predvsem pa se zahvaljujem za številne komentarje, ki mi jih dajate. Vsak komentar me zeloooo razveseli. :)
V enem letu sem si pridobila 17 sledilcev. - Vsakemu se iskreno zahvaljujem. Vesela sem, da me želite redno spremljati. ;) Hvala.
Največkrat ogledan izdelek je Card 5 - happy birthday (153 ogledov), z 124 ogledi ji sledi Valentine card in tretje mesto pa si je prislužila objava box (123).
V enem letu sem si pridobila 3486 ogledov. ;)
Today is a special day. Finally, I can say that I celebrate one year of my blogging. :D
I'm glad that you enjoy reading, watching,...my posts. Thank you for your lovely comments. Every comment makes me happy.
In one year I have got 17 followers - I sencerely thank each of them.
The most viewed post is Card 5 - happy birthday (153 views). In the second place is Valentine card (124 views) and the third place earned the box (123 views).
In one year I've gained 3486 views. ;)
Da se tudi vi (dragi moji bralci) poveselite z mano, vam podarjam ta prečudovit bombonček.
In še nekaj pravil:
1. Postani moj nov spremljevalec samo, če ti je moj blog res všeč (drugače to ni pogoj).
2. Napiši komentar na to objavo.
3. Zgornjo sliko prilepi na tvoj blog tako, da bo imela povezavo na to objavo.
Bombonček bo potekal do 1. 6. 2014. Izžrebanega zmagovalca bom objavila 2. 6. 2014.
Želim vam vso srečo!
Because I want that you also enjoy this moment with me, I wil give this wonderful candy one lucky winner.
To get a chance at this candy you must:
1. Be a follower of my blog, but only if you really like it (otherwise this is not condition to enter).
2. Leave me a comment under this post.
3. Grab the image and display it on your blog side with conection to this post.
The 1 year candy runs until on Sunday June 1, 2014. The winner will be announced the following day.
I will be shipping worldwide...
Good luck!
petek, 2. maj 2014
Best Wishes
Pozdravljeni / Hello!
Ozadnje sem pobarvala z markerji Spectrum Noir. Mafina sem narisala s prosto roko (ker nimam nobene take štampiljke) in ju pobarvala z markerji Spectrum Noir. Uporabila sem tudi bleščice. ;)
Backgroung I painted with Spectrum Noir markers. I drew muffins by myself and then I painted them with markers. I also used glitter.
I'm entering this card to the following challenges:
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