Pozdravljeni /
Za ozadje sem uporabila časopisni papir, ki sem ga strgala na koščke. Strgane koščke sem nato zalepila na osnovo papirja čestitke. Nato sem osenčila z Distress Ink-om. Obrobe strganih papirčkov sem še poudarila z markerjem (Spectrum noir). Črno obrobo čestitke sem narisala s pomočjo markerja (Spectrum noir) in belega gel rol kemika. Za rožice sem uporabila šablono rožice ter luknjač za male in velike kroge. Na koncu sem rožicam še dodala dva gumba.
For the background I used newspaper, which I scraped to pieces. This scraped pieces I glued on the base paper of greeting card. Then I shaded with Distress Ink. I highlighted borders of scraped papers with a marker (Spectrum noir). I drew black border by using Spectrum noir marker and white gelly roll. For the flowers I used a stencil flowers and punches for small and large circles. In the end I added two buttons on the flowers.