sobota, 25. november 2017

Iskrene čestitke z rožico / Sincere Congratulations With Flower

Pozdravljeni / Hello!

Na bel papir sem najprej odtisnila vzorec štampiljke. Nato sem rožico in listke pobarvala z markerji Spectrum Noir. Po končanem barvanju, sem bel papir zalepila na osnovo čestitke. Nato sem, s pomočjo štampiljke, odtisnila napis Iskrene čestitke. Na koncu sem še zalepila pol perle.

Firstly, I stamped on the white paper. Then I colored with the Spectrum Noir markers. After finishing painting, I put the white paper on the basis of a greeting card. Then I put inscription "Sincere Congratulations". In the end I stuck a half pearl.